It’s been a week and 2 days since we arrived here in
Papua New Guinea. How’s our trip you wonder? Unbelievably unforgettable. Make that just
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! We knew what was coming when we lined up for Immigration. Twins started crying. We had 3 bags of hand carry. No one offered to help us when we were both trying to make milk for the babies while carrying them at the same time. Nobody offered to help drag our bags as the line moved. All they did was say,”Awww…are you sleepy? Hungry?” Aww my ass. I wanted to tell the man behind me, “For crying out loud, a little help would make a big different than your stupid awws”. And to think he was carrying a light bag. What happened to all the gentlemen in this world? Gone? Gay? Hold it, in this situation, the gays are more men than the straight guys will ever be. Man I was so pissed off. We were lucky that a lady out of nowhere walks in the middle of the room and says, “Where are the twins?”
When she saw us trying to wave our hands, she escorted us to the Special Assistance line. Thank God for motherly instinct and sympathy. Lol.
Anyway, the moment we stepped on the plane, the twins took turns testing their lung capacity and decibel extent. Thanks to them, in a matter of minutes, everyone on the plane knew who we were –“The ones with twins”. About 10 minutes after take off, both are already sound asleep. Yey! No need for Benedryl syrup to put them to sleep. Lol.
We arrived in Port Moresby Airport at around 4am. Our domestic flight was supposed to be at 8:50am but it was an hour delayed. So boarding would be 9:50am. Lucky for us, our flight was delayed. Not just 1 hour. Not even 2 hours. But 5 friggin’ hours!!!!! It was pouring outside. Though the lobby was air conditioned, it was humid. Hunter sweated a lot. Holiday wasn’t very happy either. Poor babies. For a couple of moments I thought I was gonna collapse. Carrying Hunter for hours isn’t exactly a piece of cake. Throw in the fact that Ate Leslie and I had only about a couple hours of sleep, well, you get my drift don’t you? Here are a couple of pics of me and the twins while waiting for our domestic flight:

To cut the story short, we made it to Rabaul Airport. Seeing all the land down below made me remember PNG again. I couldn’t help but say to Ate, “Have you ever seen so many coconut trees in your entire life?!!!” Lol. Believe me, I wasn’t exaggerating. Everything was green. And blue. The deep blue sea. Oh it felt good to be back in the land where I grew up.

The Arellanos (missing Joey & Flor)
Mum & Dad invited most of the Filipinos for dinner that same night we arrived. It was hard to be lively and friendly. We were exhausted. And that my friends is an understatement.
Anyway, we’ve pretty much adjusted to everything here. The Simple Life. The next day Ate and I had already toured the whole town. Not much to see. Not many places to go to. Mostly supermarkets. The beach is less than half a kilometer away from the main road. So that’s a lot of sea for you. We haven’t gone swimming yet though. Rough waves. Weather here is very moody. One minute it’s sunny, then all of a sudden the winds stun us with speeds of a super typhoon and then the rain comes pouring down. After that, it’s sunny again. Whoopey. Lol.
I miss the Philippines a lot. Especially Ron. It was hard to say goodbye. We both cried. This is the first time we’re apart and for so long. 3 months. You know what they say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Thank God for the Internet. Tomorrow Ron will be meeting up with Joey to get the keys to my place so he can chat with me whenever he wants. I’ll be able to see him too!!! Yey! Good thing I bought that webcam right in the nick of time.
I better end this entry. So sorry for the long read. Internet here is dial up not to mention expensive. So, yes, I am dying as we speak. I don’t really have much patience for the slow speed. I even wrote this entry in Word first and then copy pasted it to my blogger to be practical. Ang saya saya. Hahaha!!!
Anyway, I’m out for now. Twins are asleep with Mum. Ate and Kuya went to the supermarket to buy a few things. Dad’s asleep in front of the tellie. It’s a pretty boring Saturday afternoon. I’m starting my Turbo Jam workout again today. Too much food this lady has eaten. Too much food. Lol. It’s time to burn those extra calories and lose those flabs. Wish me luck kids. Lol.
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