Friday, July 11, 2008

Jillian Iyanna Arellano (JIA)

I forgot that I wrote this and saved it as a draft. Better late than never!


Born on July 8, 2008. Despite lacking sleep from the night before and coming straight from work, I just had to be there when Jia was born. I made it in time to hold Flor's hand and wish her luck. Though nervous and scared, she was quite the opposite in the video.

Ok, so now after watching the vid, don't you think Jia has an amazing set of lungs? Holy cow. We could hear her testing her vocal chords while she was in the nursery and we were outside waiting for them to show us. Note: the nursery is supposed to be sound proof. lol.

That was Jia then. Here she is after she's air dried. lol. (around 6 months ++ old)


Thursday, July 03, 2008

Blogging by Force

I'm posting these pics because Nestlee is forcing me to. She claims she needs a "pampasaya". I think I should rename this blog to Holiday's and Hunter's Blog. lol. Can't blame you though Nes. They're adorable as can be. Hope this makes your day!

Here are the twins on their regular "walking" training one afternoon.

Holiday...the braver one
(or probably just has more patience & perseverance) lol.

Oops! Steady....steady..... (5 minutes earlier)

Hunter...5 minutes later. lol. "I'd rather count my fingers. It's less tiring."

the twins with Mum and Dad

Holiday showing off

Hunter & Mum

Hunter at the beach in his surf suit

Cheers!!! Big EarSsssszzzzz!!!!


dare I say it comes from my side of the family?

Today, Holiday's walking on his own. A little wobbly but getting more and more confident. Hunter on the other hand would still rather crawl. He's got an amazing appetite. Won't pass on anything. lol. They said his legs can't carry the weight. lol. Hurry up kids! Pano sa wedding ko!!!