Wednesday, July 15, 2009

7 weeks

Thursday & Friday morning, July 9 and 10: After 2 home pregnancy tests, I find out that I am pregnant. Yey!

Monday, July 13, 2009: I go for a check up. 7 weeks pregnant! Can you believe it! Almost 2 months already! I'm due February 25. What blew me away even more was to hear our baby's heartbeat when I had my first ultrasound. Never saw it coming. All I could do was smile. Like a little kid hearing a voice on the telephone. lol. Too bad Ron was outside in the hallway. Next time I have an ultrasound I'm gonna ask for him to go with me. But I think for Ron, seeing the pics of the ultrasound was enough for the time being. I swear he was gonna break up in tears. My big baby. lol. Here's our first view of my real baby. My Little One:

For now, I'm resting for the week. May have been threatened abortion. Or maybe not. Either way, it won't hurt to be extra careful. Pray that we're healthy! Mwah!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

back again

So I just finished watching Game 4 of the Cavs-Magic playoffs. Cavs lost. Bummer. It was a pretty good game though. I lost a few breaths and my heart skipped a couple of beats. lol. Anyways, man has it been a while since I visited my blog. The last time I posted was last year only by force (thanks Nestlee. lol.).

So in a nutshell:
  • I am now Mrs. Ronnie Reyes. I keep forgetting that I have a new surname. lol. Jocelyn A. Reyes. I still need to say if over and over. lol.
  • I've reached 1 year of working at my current job. Achievement? lol.
  • I've gained weight since the wedding. A lot of it.
  • No, I'm not pregnant yet.
  • I'm addicted to nail polish especially shades of red (and I've infected my team mates)
  • I need to lose weight. again. lol.
  • And, I just got a new hair cut.

Contrary to this picture, we are happily married. lol.