Thursday & Friday morning, July 9 and 10: After 2 home pregnancy tests, I find out that I am pregnant. Yey!
Monday, July 13, 2009: I go for a check up. 7 weeks pregnant! Can you believe it! Almost 2 months already! I'm due February 25. What blew me away even more was to hear our baby's heartbeat when I had my first ultrasound. Never saw it coming. All I could do was smile. Like a little kid hearing a voice on the telephone. lol. Too bad Ron was outside in the hallway. Next time I have an ultrasound I'm gonna ask for him to go with me. But I think for Ron, seeing the pics of the ultrasound was enough for the time being. I swear he was gonna break up in tears. My big baby. lol. Here's our first view of my real baby. My Little One:

naiiyak ako, i swear! funny feeling that i am soooo happy for you two but terribly inggit! lol. was hoping pa naman na sabay tyo. hahaha!wah!
ang bagal mo kse abba e. hehehe... i'm so happy for both of you, yoshie. i think the better word for it is very excited. can't wait for the little yoshie or ron. hehehe...
parang lady and the tramp? kung anung gender, same itsura. haha! that would be so funny and cute! lol.
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