Yesterday I came across a friend's new blog and remembered what it was like when I first started blogging -- how excited I was each day to post an entry even if it was just some cute funny pictures of my twin nephews; how I enjoyed writing and photo blogging so much. Today, as I rock my baby boy to sleep in his bouncing chair, I finally get the urge to blog. So here I am, sitting on the floor with my laptop, next to my baby boy who is finally sound asleep (morning nap). I realize it has been close to 11 months since I last updated this thing to tell everyone that I was 7 weeks pregnant with my first child. Even Abba was bugging me to go back to blogging even if it was just to talk about the most boring thing. "Just make it sound interesting", she says. I wish I had blogged regularly during my pregnancy so I could go back and remember how much I enjoyed those 3 trimesters. Boy did you guys miss out on a lot. I'm pretending I have a lot of followers of this blog even though it's limited to 2 people. Abba & Russ. And at this time even they're too busy to even surf the net for a little socializing. lol. has everything been since I was last here? Absolutely wonderful. I had a really easy pregnancy. No morning sickness whatsoever. Lucky lucky me. The only thing I needed to eat nearly everyday was easy to find - oranges, ponkans, kiat-kiats, Berry Orange juice. Remember that threatened abortion thingy? Well it wasn't anything like that. It was just a mild infection which was easily treated. Found that out when I switched OB's. Which I'm glad I did. I definitely felt more secure when I switched to my sister-in-law's OB. She took great care of me and everything went smooth sailing for the remaining 2 trimesters (I'll tell you my birth story in my next post).
I got a surprise baby shower from my officemates right before I went on maternity leave. My Team Spain babies rock. They connived with my husband. They had to. I was already giving them a hard time keeping it a surprise. But still, it was a success. My dream spa bridal shower came true in the form of a nail spa baby shower. I was punked at Posh Nails in Ali Mall, Cubao. They reserved the entire salon. A manicure, pedicure and a little bit of massaging was just what I needed. And every single gift came to good use. That's because i asked for them. I so love wish lists. lol.

The Team Spain girls after all the nail pampering.
Right now, I've resigned from work to become a full time mom to my baby and to concentrate on a sewing business my mother and I will be setting up.
Man do we have a lot of catching up to do. Thing is, my time's up for this post. Ty's awake and hungry. Laters!!!! Til his next nap!
So good to be back.
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