Thursday & Friday morning, July 9 and 10: After 2 home pregnancy tests, I find out that I am pregnant. Yey!
Monday, July 13, 2009: I go for a check up. 7 weeks pregnant! Can you believe it! Almost 2 months already! I'm due February 25. What blew me away even more was to hear our baby's heartbeat when I had my first ultrasound. Never saw it coming. All I could do was smile. Like a little kid hearing a voice on the telephone. lol. Too bad Ron was outside in the hallway. Next time I have an ultrasound I'm gonna ask for him to go with me. But I think for Ron, seeing the pics of the ultrasound was enough for the time being. I swear he was gonna break up in tears. My big baby. lol. Here's our first view of my real baby. My Little One: