I love watching Holiday sleep. Not a care in the world. The kind of sleep I miss. His brother can be waking the peace in the house and he'll still be sound asleep in his sound-proof bubble.

Hunter. Aah Hunter. He hates it when we change his diaper. Gets really angry. And when we're done, he calms down all of a sudden. But oh, he enjoyed his first bath at home more than Holiday did. But he's the funny one. Making weird faces. Very mischievous.

anong problema mo tsong?
The twins, after their first bath at home. Looking whiter, fresher, and more camera conscious for their tita.

hunter is so cute. hahaha... nakakatuwa ung make faces nya. hahaha...
i know! he's so funny. i wish i had a camera at all times to catch all his funny faces.
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